About Us
2019Les Universités Sociales du Togo (UST) are a nonprofit platform gathering about twenty civil society's organizations as well as involved citizens. Specialized into the organization and implementation of new pluralist and diversified spaces of expression for citizens, UST aims to strenghten the involvement of the civil society into the monitoring of public policies in order to measure the quality of economic, democratic and social governance. Citizen's discussions are organized during the whole year and UST produce regularly positionning documents through pleas in connection with the enhancement of economic, democratic and social governance. Since 2019, UST focus their atention towards the youth with the production of a mini news's web serie "NUNYA" published on social networks and designed to promote the rising of the public opinion in Togo.
"Vouloir, c'est consentir, décider, agir ensemble"
Informer et former le citoyen
Proposer des analyses critiques des problèmes du Togo, de l'Afrique et du monde
Oeuvrer pour la bonne gouvernance
Our Goals
Exercer son droit de contrôle citoyen